Intract's team offers enterprises the ability to create, test, and use their own customised API templates.

Getting started with API:

This section is intended for technical individuals.


To create a custom API verification task, Intract requires an API developed according by our standards. When a quester interacts with this task, Intract will call the API with the required parameters and check if the task is verified.

This API will first be verified by Intract’s development team to check if all the standards are met

Keys Supported:

When we connect with your projects API for verification we will send some keys in payload body. We support the following keys for verification:

  1. Address

    User’s wallet address.

    <aside> 🚨 We support EVM compatible addresses and NON EVM addresses (Solana, Keplr, Ton and Starknet).


  2. Twitter

    User account ID of user’s Twitter account.

  3. Discord

    Discord user name of user’s discord account.

  4. Telegram

    User ID of user’s telegram account.

  5. Email

    User’s email address.

API Signature