GM, Intract adventurers! 🌻

We now know WHO leads the Questing leaderboards!

And for these epic questers, we are rolling out some rewards! 💵💳

Introducing Intract Leaderboard, where we update the TOP Questers on the Intract platform!

Check out your weekly standings 🥇 , your progress 🧗‍♂️ and your competition ⚔️ as you gear to score XPs, Alpha, and Rewards on Intract.

Here’s how it works! - The more XP you score, the higher your rank in the leaderboard!

A better rank = Higher rewards 🎖️

For our second week, we're offering an exclusive reward structure:

🥇 Top 3 XP holders: $50 each 🏆

🏅 4th to 10th place: $20 each 💰

🏅 11th to 20th place: $10 each 💰

Also, 10 lucky questers ranked between 21st and 100th place will each receive $10 each 🎉 🎊


Oh, and there’s a simple way you can collect more XPs -

  1. Complete Alpha Hub quests - here. Explore Starknet, BASE, zkSync and more! Alpha 🚀